Want More in 2020?

I, like many others, become reflective at the end of a busy year. My reflection considers where I’ve been, but more so, where I want to go in the next year. I’m not one for resolutions. I find power in establishing a one-word mantra for the new year. Last December, my word was “growth.” That was an understatement; it turned out, 2019 was a quantum shift for me personally and professionally. In some ways, I found myself craving stillness and wanting to grow less! I hope my 2020 word is “calm,” but knowing myself and my need for variety (I bore quickly), I’ll choose the word “pace.” As in, keep a steady pace of growth as opposed to tripping over myself as I did in 2019. 

Working with my coaching clients this past fall, I can share there’s been a theme trending for 2020. If I had to summarize, their word for 2020 would be… “More.” I don’t mean MORE in the greedy, capitalistic sense. I mean more this way: better health, deeper and more meaningful relationships, delivering increased value at work or getting a better job, creating more time for themselves and what they truly want. In short, everyone wants the same thing. They want to feel more fulfilled by being more authentically themselves. 

It’s true for me too. I say I want steady, calm growth, but it’s so I can feel a greater sense of fulfillment by being more authentically myself. I believe very few things feel better than when we are loved, accepted and appreciated for just being ourselves.

So how do you get that kind of More in 2020? Make sure you’re working for an organization that respects and admires you for your unique contributions. Make sure they pay you properly for the value you create, and make sure it’s a job that allows you the work-life balance to express the other facets of your joys and needs. If this isn’t happening right now, consider what a more fulfilling position would be and get clear on three things. 1) Describe the position duties you would love to work on day in and out. 2) Name the ideal organization and culture you would thrive in. 3) Imagine the type of people you’d delight working alongside. This activity will become the roadmap for you finding a new gig in 2020, and I promise that job is out there. If it isn’t already, create it. Life is too short not to do what you love.

Best wishes for a healthy and fulfilling holiday season and cheers to you finding MORE in 2020!