

When I think about the reasons I’m hired into an organization as a coach & trainer, it’s to fix dysfunction. Dysfunction in the organizational context means, “abnormality or impairment in the function of a system” and/or “deviation from the norms of acceptable behavior in a way regarded as bad”. I think the two definitions represent […]

Hard Work

Hard work and dedication are needed elements in growing your career or business. I’m sure you’ve heard the concept, “work smarter, not harder”. It’s true you need to find innovative and optimized approaches to solving challenges instead of brute-forcing your way through, which only leads to burn-out. BUT, I also think sometimes you just need […]


I’m the type of person that would rather regret something I did do versus something I didn’t. I figure, at least I tried; at least I can take a lesson and grow. The concept of not taking any risks and therefore risking more, is so powerful. I work with a number of clients who are […]


Today I bought a silver ring that says FEARLESS. I hope I never take it off. I hope it reminds me to listen to my gut more often and not shy away from difficult situations. I hope it inspires me to speak my mind and not compromise myself for fear of upsetting others. I hope […]


I’m not sure when I developed a healthy relationship with making mistakes. I think it happened because growth has always been my top value. This principle guides my thoughts and actions such that I see mistakes as opportunities to grow. This trait, I’m fining, is incredibly beneficial in being an entrepreneur. When you’re building something […]

Impostor Syndrome

Most of my clients are high achievers. For some, their high achievement is not the product of a personal value of excellence or success, but rather one of Impostor Syndrome. They’re trying to out-work the belief that they are a fraud – to prove they aren’t. On some level, they think their accomplishments are not […]